Book Sale
The Friends of the Library in Oxford hosts two book sales per year- one in the Spring and one in the Fall. We collect donations ahead of each book sale at our Book Donation Days.
Book Donation Days:
Dates will be announced soon!
Find us in the library parking lot to donate your books!
Book Sale:
Dates will be announced soon!
During regular library business hours.
Donation Guidelines
Please donate new (or almost new), gently used items only.
If it has a smell, is discolored, looks beat up, or has writing in it we cannot sell it.
A good rule of thumb is: if you wouldn't buy it yourself, don't donate it.
We WILL take:
Adult, YA, Kids
Fiction & Nonfiction (published within the last 10 years)
hardcover and paperback
DVDs (must be in good condition/no scratches or cracked cases).
We will NOT take:
Encyclopedia sets
CDs or Audiobooks
Vinyl records
Religious pamphlets or tracts not published by a publishing house.
Nonfiction science or tech books published before 2010.